الأربعاء، 15 يونيو 2011

Howdy Folks:) Sue Relays Asked Me to Post My Results Here

I got to know Sue when she visited the Colorectal Board - she's been a good friend and terrific supporter to me. And since she does not get over to our side very much anymore, she asked me if I would post my results over here so she could see them. I hope you don't mind.
From Sue:
"Will be waiting to see your results. Will you post on the anal board as well??"
This is a long post but covers the past year of my fight, currently at 7-years, Stage IV.
Grab something to drink and you're welcome to read along with Sue. And maybe Joanne will show up here - I miss her to and met her on the other board when she first got here.
Ok, Sue and everybody here we go!
“SUNDANCE vs CANCER” – The Results Post
Faster than a speeding locomotive – Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound – Look! – Up in the air! – It’s a bird! – It’s a plane! – It’s…..it’s……awww $hit, it’s only Sundance:)
The “Betting Windows” are now officially closed, so I hope you got your wagers down – there was sure plenty of time:)
Well, this is finally the post that I have waited for and waited to write. And also the one that many of you have waited for as well. Almost a year in the making and through it all, it has been a “Watershed Moment” in my journey.
I suppose when I reflect back on it, we could say that it’s the most influential battle of my entire campaign. There was much at stake to be won or lost. It carried huge significance as I motored on toward my 7th year of this incredible saga. And all the time, never knowing exactly which way the battle was going to go. Would I win? Or would I begin to slip?
The stakes we were playing for was my very existence, which I believe we can all agree, is worth playing for. The difference is we had to fight like there was never going to be tomorrow – because that’s always in the cards and is the key component that weighs so heavily on all of our minds.
It’s a funny feeling looking back on this past year. In many ways, it still feels like yesterday – and then on the other side, it seems like a lifetime ago.
Cancer played a dirty little trick on me this time. We know he does not play fair and is a dirty fighter. He used the DaVinci tumors the time before, to lull us into a false sense of complacency while he stealthily hid behind my lungs and gathered his forces, before he could again announce his presence in my body for this last year’s fight.
When I was still in the hospital after this lung surgery, I remember a nurse bringing me my pathology report. Even dazed on morphine and with blurred eyesight, I could still make out the words…”Colorectal Mets to Lung.”
And I remember thinking, “Now, you’ve showed yourself, you SOB!” I sat up in bed and thought, “I’ve got you now.” You’ve just kicked the sleeping dog – you just woke up the Gentle Giant. So, once again, it’s “officially back on.”
Strangely though, I felt some sense of comfort in those words, in the fact that I again knew what I was going back up against….there was no guessing anymore, there it was in the report. It was time once more to “get my mind right to fight.”
Once I found out the surgery did not completely remove the malignant tumors, I knew it was going to a really long and hard road, with no shortcuts. I was going to have to go all in and gut this one out for the long haul, if I was to have a chance at any kind of victory.
You all know there were times when it looked like I was beaten. Down and out for the count is what’s ahead for our good old Sundance, folks were probably thinking – put a fork in him, he’s done. But then again, you don’t know Sundance:)
I’ve always said I may “bend or waver” during the fight, but that I would never “break.”
Maybe that’s not an entirely true statement. Perhaps, it depends on what your definition of “break” is. In fact, Cancer had me beaten and on my knees begging for either “Death or Mercy.” It had me beaten at the time, but not broken for the long haul of the fight.
“The CURE” had me beaten as well this time , but I stayed strong enough to complete the entire protocol “by the numbers.” It was really difficult this time to mentally and physically step through all the obstacles that stood in our way. As I’ve said before, it gets a little harder to keep taking the pounding, the longer you stay in the fight.
The mind and heart are still willing – but the body just doesn’t “bounce” like it used to. I think this is the biggest difference in an old veteran fighter vs the newly diagnosed.
While the surgeries and treatments have compromised our bodies, we learn we must adapt and use our experience and smarts to fight on, instead of relying on a new body that is just starting out.
My medical team continuously put the foot on the gas and we were very aggressive in our treatment plan and there was no time to rest. We relentlessly pursued our target and stayed in the attack mode the entire time.
Oh yes, I can be beaten – I can be hurt – I can bleed – I can hurt – I can suffer. I am just a mortal man, composed of blood & flesh..
However, on the other side of the coin, I can also be tenacious – persistent – stubborn – and relentless in my own pursuit. My horoscope is “Cancer, the Crab.” I’m a “July Baby.”
We’re loveable, friendly, and loyal – but when fuc*ed with, we raise our pinschers and will snap you. We’re a very formidable force to reckon with. When we hit back, it hurts too, just like we were hurt. We only fight when provoked though and let’s face it, Cancer does provoke us, doesn’t it?
Here’s the last topic I wanted to discuss. Let’s talk about our roommate – HOPE.
What an interesting fella’ this guy is, am I right?
He’s very elusive and if we’re not real careful, he can just slip out of our fingertips and just be gone. And when he goes, he’s sometimes hard to find again. And when Hope moves out, Depression can move in – then he invites Despair, Hopelessness and Loneliness to the party, and from there our lives can disappear and become nothing but existence.
And that’s a very bad place to be – especially for too long. I know, because I spent 9-months with all of these guys this year. They are not nice “house guests.” They try to rob you of that thing that we call “Our Lives.”
And then it becomes up to us to take back back what was so wrongly taken from us. Each of us must do that and find a way to get Hope moved back in with us, so we can flourish and feel optimism.
What is my definition of Hope?
I’ve come to think of Hope as that “Intangible element of humanity that we cannot see, but one that we feel.”
It’s the single common denominator that every single one of us has inside. It’s the driving force behind our individualism and more importantly, the one thing that we “Cling To” and “Reach For” in times of dire circumstances that beset each of us, somewhere in our lifetime.
As the old saying goes, “Let’s Keep Hope Alive!”
Hey, let’s go down to ringside right now, looks like Michael Buffer is about to announce “The Decision.” Who came out on top? Sundance or Cancer?
“Ladies and Gentlemen! The Winner by KO and still the Undefeated Cancer Champion of the World, with a 3-0 title defense, is……….your very own…….SUNDANCE! “
And the crowd goes WILD……….:) !!!
For any of you that bet against me…….”Suckerzzzz!” LOL:)
That’s right folks – 3 recurrences Up and 3 recurrences Down – just like in baseball, huh?
We did it again. We knocked Cancer “Back into the Shadows” once more. He’s gone back into hiding, licking his wounds, while I lick mine. But, we got Him down right now. You read the BAD in my other post…….and now for something completely different, here is the GOOD:
1. Colon and Rectum = Clear
2. Liver = Clear
3. Lungs = All Clear:)
Many of you might recall in my Thanksgiving Message to my Cancer, that I said, “I am down right now – but when I get up, I’m coming – and He11 was coming with me.
Well, with Big Billy by my side, we “Huffed and we Puffed”…and we “Blew the Doors to the Gates of He11 Wide Open!”
What looked like a highly improbable, if not impossible mission at the beginning of this fight, has come to a successful conclusion. I know how fortunate I am to be on the “positive side of the ledger” right now. It sure could have gone either way, but somehow we are on top right now.
We’re officially back to “Watching and Waiting.” I’ll talk to NED, if I make it “clean” for 5-years, with no further recurrences….. (June 2016).
So, it does not get much better than this….am I right?
I thought the balloons were supposed to fall out of the ceiling about now? Why isn’t the band playing? Where’s the cake and ice cream? Where is Jennie with my margaritas?
Since I can’t get to any of you right now…we’ll just have to have a “Cyber Celebration!” I need some folks to share in this joy with me. It will mean more if I have all of you around me in the “same room.”
So, what’s next for Sundance?
I’m going to Disneyworld!...................................Not!
I’ll be lucky to get to Chicago for CP9 – with this very meaningful victory, it is my sincerest hope that I can make it there and get some lovin’ from my honeys:)
What’s next is instead of escaping Cancer, I’m going to jump back into the deep end of the pool and go back to the beginning of the journey – first chapter titled “The Diagnosis.”
I want to jump on getting this written now, while the wounds are fresh and the feelings raw. I’m excited about making this a reality – now publishing will be another story – coming to an Amazon Kindle near you?
I’ll close this post with these final thoughts…..
On the day that Donna (Shayenne) aka “My Chicky” passed away, I posted on that thread that Her Lion had roared for the final time.
A beautiful chapter in my life and on this board and a real life story of friendship had come to a tragic and painful end. On this day a part of me died with her –Her Lion was dead and gone, and yet the memories still remained, but were now forever buried deep within the archives of the CSN posts.
This is a day where I wished Chicky were still here with us – certainly a story she would have loved to hear about and rejoice in. I will miss not seeing her post in this thread.
In honor of her memory and to bookmark this momentous occasion, Donna’s Lion “ROARZZZZ” one more time:) Miss you, Chicky.
This one was for myself, but also for the Semi;Colon Nation. I stand before you as a living testimony to what Cancer “Can and Cannot” do to us. It will never be easy, but you too can do this. I’ll stand proudly beside each one of you and be with you for each stop in your journey. Don’t be afraid – get mad – get even – and get out there and fight!
I understand less and less as time goes by – have no idea of why I’m still here after 7 years of battling this stuff. Don’t understand why my friends did not make it, but I am still here. I suppose I’ll never know.
And Cancer may indeed catch me one day – but guess what? It won’t be TODAY!!!
All of you know that Sundance is not the kind of guy that “Goes Quietly into the Night.”
I carry all of your hopes and dreams with me in my heart. I have the deepest respect and admiration for each one of you here – both past and present. You are the finest group of people I know and I’m proud to know you all.
All of you are Winners – and Cancer will never, ever take that away from you! With all of the love I can muster, I thank you for staying with me and you are all in my thoughts, in my heart, and in my dreams. Semi;Colons Rock!
Craig and Big Billy
“Team Sundance”

Doctor Says Surgery May Relieve Pain Of Neuropathy

Medifocus Guidebook on Peripheral Neuropathy

الثلاثاء، 14 يونيو 2011

Migraine headache

تختلف آلام الصداع النصفي (الشقيقة)عن كل آلام الأنواع الأخرى من الصداع. Different migraine pain (migraine) for all the pain of other types of headaches. ويصيب هذا النوع من الصداع جزءا واحدا من الرأس أي بشكل نصفي. Affects this type of headache is one part of the head in any half. ويعاني منه 25% من النساء و8%من الرجال طوال حياتهم. And affects 25% of women and 8% of men throughout their lives. والمرأة أكثر عرضة لنوباته ولاسيما في مرحلة الاياس (سن اليأس) لتغير معدلات الهورمونات الأنثوية لديها. Women are more vulnerable to Nubath, especially at the stage of menopause (menopause) to change the rates of female hormones have. يسبق حدوث الصداع النصفي في ثلث الحالات نوبات من الأورة متمثلة في تخيلات بصرية وصوتية وشمية غير موجودة. Preceded by a migraine in one third of cases, episodes of aura represented in fantasies and audio-visual and olfactory non-existent.

محتويات Contents



ينتج مرض الصداع النصفي عن توسع شديد في الأوعية الدموية خارج القحف (الموجودة في فروة الرأس) مما يؤدي إلى انضغاط على النهايات العصبية المحيطة بالأوعية الدموية مطلقة الألم وهذا يفسر طبيعة الألم النابض. Produces migraines for the expansion of severe extracranial blood vessels (located in the scalp), leading to compression of the nerve endings surrounding blood vessels, an absolute pain and explains the nature of the pain this spring. وهذا أيضا يفسر الألم العيني في أغلب أنواع الصداع النصفي لكون الطبقة الخارجية للعين تأخذ الألياف العصبية من نفس العصب (مثلث التوائم) الذي يحيط بالأوعية الدموية خارج القحف (شريان صدغي سطحي). This also explains the kind of pain in most types of migraine to the fact that the outer layer of the eye takes nerve fibers of the same nerve (trigeminal) that surrounds the blood vessels outside the cranium (superficial temporal artery). في نفس الوقت يحصل تقبض في الأوعية الدموية داخل القحف مما يؤدي إلى حدوث الأعراض العصبية المرافقة للنوبة الألمية. At the same time gets arrested in intracranial blood vessels leading to neurological symptoms associated with heart Alolmip.


الصداع النصفي نوعان صداع نصفي عادي لايشعر فيه المريض بدنو النوبة وتستمر نوبته من 4-72ساعة حيث يشعر بألم في جانب الرأس أو الجانبين وقديكون نابضا أو متوسطا أو شديدا مع القيء وشعور بالغثيان وحساسية للأصوات. وصداع نصفي تقليدي وفيه يشعر المريض بدنو النوبة مرتين علي الأقل سنويا. Migraine types migraine headache plain did not feel the patient approaches the heart and continues his shift of 4-72 hours, where the pain is felt in the side of the head or the sides and Kadikon vibrant, medium or severe, with vomiting, nausea and sensitivity to sounds. and migraine headache traditional and the patient feels approaches the seizure at least twice a year . وقد تستمر النوبة 3أيام ويسبقها توتر عصبي وتشوش الرؤية. The last 3 days and Nubia preceded by nervous tension and blurred vision. فيري الشخص أثناءها الخطوط متعرجة وأضواء مبهرة (كوميض)أو يفقد النظر مؤقتا مع صعوبة في الكلام والشعور بضعف الذراعين والساقين وتنميل بالوجه واليدين وألم في الجبهة والفكين والأذنين وحول العين. Ferry person during the zigzag lines and strobe lights (Comid) or consider temporarily lose with difficulty in speech and feeling weak arms and legs and numbness of the face and hands and pain in the forehead, jaws, ears and around the eye. وقد يظهر الصداع في جانب واحد من الدماغ خلف العينين أو حولهما و تسمى هذه الأعراض بالأورة . Headaches may appear on one side of the brain behind the eyes or around and called these symptoms Baloorp . وقد ينتقل للجانب الآخر أثناء النوبة. The move to the other side during a seizure. والأفضل تحديد أسباب ظهور الصداع النصفي ومحاولة تجنبها للسيطرة علي الصداع والوقاية منه رغم من عدم وجود أسباب محددة لظهور الصداع النصفي, لكن هناك بعض العوامل التي قد تساعد علي ظهوره، وهذه العوامل تختلف من شخص لآخر. And better determine the cause of migraine and try to avoid to control and prevention of headaches, although there are no specific reasons for the emergence of migraine, but there are some factors that may help his appearance, and these factors vary from person to person. ومن بينها الضغط العصبي، وعدم تناول وجبة أساسية أثناء اليوم، أو النوم في أوقات متأخرة ليلاً أو عدم النوم لفترة كافية، والإرهاق أو زيادة التمارين الرياضية. Including stress, lack of basic meal during the day, or sleep in late at night or not sleeping long enough, and fatigue or increased exercise. أو تناول بعض أنواع الطعام والشراب كالجبن والنبيذ الأحمر والخمور والمواد المضافة إلي الطعام مثل ملح النترات في اللحوم المحفوظة كاللانشون والبولوبيف والهامبرجر والسجق وقلة تناول كمية الكافيين المعتاد عليها الشخص والموجود في الشاي والقهوة والكولا والكاكاو. Or eating certain types of food and drink such as cheese and red wine, alcohol and substances added to food such as salt nitrates in meat and saved Kallanhun Albolubev, hamburgers, sausages and the lack of the usual intake of caffeine by the person and who is present in tea, coffee, cola and cocoa. وبالنسبة للسيدات فترة الدورة الشهرية. For the women's monthly period. وهذه العوامل يمكن تجنبها. These factors can be avoided.


- عدم النوم لساعات طويلة - الأكل المفيد وتجنب شرب الحمضيات كعصير البرتقال والليمون قبل الأكل - عدم الإكثار من تناول المكسرات - ممارسة الرياضة بانتظام. - Lack of sleep for long hours - useful for eating and avoid drinking citrus orange and lemon juice before eating - not to overindulge in nuts - Exercise regularly. - عدم المكوث في مكان مرتفع الحرارة لفترة طويلة وعدم التعرض للشمس لفترة طويلة - فرد الرقبة والجزء العلوي من الجسم. - Do not stay at a high temperature for a long time and the lack of exposure to the sun for a long time - individual neck and the upper part of the body. ولاسيما ولو كان العمل يتطلب الجلوس طويلا. Especially if the work requires sitting for long. - اترك التدخين. - Quit smoking. - تعلم كيف تسترخي وتنفس بعمق. - Learn how to relax and breathe deeply. عندما يحدث الصداع دون الوقت واليوم الذي بدأ فيه وسجل ماذا أكلت خلال ال 24 ساعة. When headaches occur without the time and the day began and record what I ate during the last 24 hours. وكم من الوقت قضيته في النوم بالليل وفي ماذا كنت تفكر قبل بداية الصداع. How much time I spent in bed at night and at what you are thinking about before the start of a headache. وهل يوجد اجهاد في حياتك؟. Is there stress in your life?. ومدة الصداع.وماذا فعلت لتوقفه. And duration of headaches. And what I did to stop it. ويمكن للصداع أن يخف لو ركنت للراحة وعيناك مغلقتان ورأسك مسنودة. And headache that can hide if you leaned to rest with your eyes closed and head backed. واتباع طرق الاسترخاء تساعد أيضا. And follow the relaxation techniques also help. كما أن التدليك ووضع شيئا ساخنا وراء أعلي الرقبة تفيد في تخفيف الصداع التوتري. The massage and put something hot and neck for the highest benefit in reducing tension headaches. ] Treatment
يمكن بعد اكتشاف نقاط الضغط على الرأس للدكتور علي سلطانه والمقدمه في مؤتمر سان دييغو كاليفورنيا 2001 أن يقوم مريض الصداع النصفي بصنع أقواس الصداع النصفي في منزله واستخدامه عند قدوم النوبة وبذلك يتخلص من الصداع النصفي ويستغني عن استخدام كل الأدوية الضارة التي توصف للصداع النصفي. Possible after the discovery of the pressure points on the head, Dr. Ali authority presented at the conference in San Diego, California, 2001, that the patient migraine making brackets migraines at home and use it when the advent of the Nuba and thus get rid of migraines and is independent from the use of all harmful drugs prescribed for migraine. العلاج الجراحي للصداع النصفي: و للتخلص نهائيا من الصداع النصفي (عملية الدكتور علي سلطانه) باجراء عملية جراحية بسيطة تتم بالتخدير الموضعي وفي فروة الرأس حيث يتم ربط الشريان الجلدي المسؤول عن آلام الصداع النصفي وبذلك يتخلص المريض نهائيا من المرض ويستطيع المريض بعد العملية أن يقوم بجميع الأعمال التي كانت تحرض النوبة لديه وسيشاهد كيف أن النوبة الألمية لن تعود اليه. Surgical treatment of migraine: and to get rid permanently from migraines (the process of Dr. Ali authority) to conduct a simple surgery is local anesthesia in the scalp where the artery skin responsible for migraine pain and thus get rid of the patient's final illness and the patient can after the operation, that is all actions that were inciting the Nuba has and watch how the Nuba Alolmip will not come back to him. يمكن استعمال الأسبرين والأيبوبروفين والباراسيتامول. Can be used as aspirin and ibuprofen and paracetamol. ولا يعطي الأسبرين للاطفال حتي لا يصابوا بحالة رايReye's syndrome. Does not give aspirin to children up to the situation will not get Ray Reye's syndrome. فيمكن للصداع النصفي الاستجابة للأسبرين أو النابروكسين أو توليفة أدوية الصداع النصفي. For migraine headaches could respond to aspirin or naproxen, or combination migraine medications. واسأل الطبيب عن العلاج المناسب. And ask your doctor about appropriate treatment. وأدوية الصداع النصفي هي : ergotamine, dihydroergotamine, ergotamine with caffeine), isometheptene and triptans like sumatriptan, rizatriptan, almotriptan andzolmitriptan. And migraine medication are: ergotamine, dihydroergotamine, ergotamine with caffeine), isometheptene and triptans like sumatriptan, rizatriptan, almotriptan andzolmitriptan. . . كما أن الأدوية التي تخفف الغثيان والقيء تفيد في الأعراض الأخرى من حالات الصداع النصفي..والدواء الشائع في علاج الصداع، الكافايين Caffeine والشخص قد يدمن علي تناوله وقد يكون مخلوطا مع الأسبرين أو أدوية الصداع النصفي كمشتقات الإرجوت مثل الإرجوتامين. The drugs that relieve nausea and vomiting are useful for other symptoms of migraine headaches .. and medicine in the treatment of common headaches, caffeine Caffeine and the person may become addicted to eating may be mixed with aspirin or migraine medication such as Kmstqat Alirjot Alirjuthamin. وعندما ننسحب من تناوله فجأة يسبب صداعا شديدا وغثيان وقيء. When we withdraw from eating suddenly cause severe headache, nausea and vomiting. والكافيين يفرز مع لبن الأم مما يجعل الرضيع قلقا ومؤرقا أثناء النوم. Caffeine is excreted in breast milk, which makes baby concern and Mwrka during sleep. والدواء الثاني الشائع لعلاج الصداع النصفي الإرجوت ومشتقاته كالإرجوتامين و dihydroergotamine ولايستعمل أثناء الحمل. The second medication is common for the treatment of migraine and its derivatives Alirjot Kalirjuthamin and dihydroergotamine Estaml and during pregnancy. فقد يسبب موت الجنين أو الإجهاض. May cause fetal death or abortion. أو في حالة الرضاعة لأنه يسبب ضررا للرضيع. Or in the case of breastfeeding because it causes harm to the baby. لأن هذه الأدوية تفرز مع اللبن وتسبب للرضيع الإسهال والقيء والتشنجات ونبض ضعيف وتغير في ضغط الدم. Because these drugs excreted with the milk and cause of infant diarrhea, vomiting, convulsions, weak pulse and a change in blood pressure. والكميات الكبيرة من هذا الدواء تقلل من افراز اللبن. And large quantities of this drug reduces the secretion of milk. وهذا الدواء يزيد الإحساس بالبرودة لهذا يتدثر الشخص جيدا. This drug increases the feeling of cold Itdther for this person well. لأنها تقلل تدفق الدم بالجسم ولاسيما بالجلد والاصابع ولاسيما بالقدمين وخصوصا لدي المسنين الذبن ما يعانون غا لبا من مشاكل في الدورة الدموية . Because it reduces blood flow to the body, especially the skin, fingers, especially the feet, especially in the elderly Alzbn Ba Ga suffer from circulatory problems. لها عند استعمال هذه الأدوية اسأل الصيدلي علي مكوناتها أو اسأله عن هذه المواد لتتعرف علي دوائك.ويمكن للعلاج الجيد من تخفيف حدة نوبات الصداع النصفي وتسكين آلامه بتناول عقاقير مسكنة. When you have the use of these medicines ask your pharmacist on the components or ask for these materials to learn on your medicine. Can be a good treatment for alleviation of migraine headaches and relieve the pain eating analgesic drugs. وهناك نوعان من أنواع علاج الصداع النصفي. There are two types of treatment of migraine. نوع يقوم بإيقاف تأثير الصداع النصفي بمجرد بدايته وفيها مادة الإرجوتامين وتوصف للأشخاص الذين يصابون بالصداع بشكل غير دوري أو في الأعراض البسيطة حيث تقوم بانقباض الأوعية الدموية.ولايتناولها مرضى القلب، أوالحوامل. Type shut down the impact of migraine as soon as the beginning and a substance Alirjuthamin and described for people who have a headache in non-league or minor symptoms Banaqbad where the blood vessels. Eitnolha and heart patients, Owalhawwaml. والنوع الثاني مغلقات بيتا Beta blockersومغلقات الكالسيوم Calcium channel blocker وتمنع ظهور الصداع النصفي.ويوصف للأشخاص الذين يصابون بالصداع النصفي بشكل دوري ومتكرر.و يمكن وصف الأدوية المضادة للاكتئاب. The second type Mglqat Beta Beta blockers and calcium Mglqat Calcium channel blocker and prevent the emergence of migraine. And described for people who get migraines regularly and frequently. And can be described as anti-depressant medication. وأحيانا قد يجد المصاب فائدة من وضع كمادات من الثلج على الرأس، والجلوس في غرفة مظلمة. And sometimes the patient may find it useful to put packs of ice on the head, and sit in a dark room.

War Veterans Health Resource Initiative

In recent years, the Afghan and Iraq Wars have increased the prevalence of migraines and headaches in veterans returning to the United States. In one study of 3,621 U.S. soldiers screened within 90 days of returning from a one-year combat tour in Iraq, soldiers were shown to have two to four times the incidence rate of migraine as compared to the general population.
This research and more like it has validated that men and women in the military are returning to civilian life experiencing migraine headaches due to conditions like Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Poorly managed migraine translates to a potentially huge impact on a patient's quality of life—from missed or non-productive work days to lost family and personal time.
The National Headache Foundation feels that it is vital to reach out to these men and women who have served our country by providing resources to better understand and manage headache pain.
To do this, the NHF is proud to introduce the War Veterans Program. The program consists of an online resource guide that provides the top resources available to help military men and women cope with neurological trauma effectively. Periodically, the NHF will also provide information about the latest research, statistics and governmental assistance programs set in place during this crucial time.
Military OneSource is provided by the Department of Defense at no cost to active duty, Guard and Reserve (regardless of activation status) and their families. It is a virtual extension of installation services. Visit Military OneSource today at http://www.militaryonesource.com/%20target= or call 1-800-342-9647. www.MilitaryOneSource.com/ChillDrills.

Headaches are very personal.

No one has the same combination of pain, impairment, triggers, or impact. Therefore, there is no one-size-fits-all solution to getting relief. Experts recommend the following simple tips for finding relief, which all begin with YOU:
  • Realize that headaches matter, and take your headaches seriously even if others don’t
  • Learn all you can – be a student of your own headaches
  • Get the help and care that you deserve: many resources are available right here
Your journey of learning begins here, at Headache U — a place for you to begin educating yourself about your personal headaches, and the many ways you can get help, help yourself and even help others.
This portal will contain a variety of helpful resources and tools, so check back often to see what’s new.
The first of a series of patient education tools that will be available through Headache U is Chart Your Course to Relief: A personal headache care tool. This tool will help you explore your personal experiences with headache, create your own personal headache profile, and get matched with resources that fit your situation


Overview, Causes, & Risk Factors

Vasculitis is an inflammation of the blood vessels.
What is going on in the body?
Blood vessels can become inflamed for many reasons. There are different types of vasculitis based on the size and type of blood vessel involved and the pattern of inflammation. Inflammation of blood vessels can lead to serious problems in the body, such as blocking blood flow.
What are the causes and risks of the condition?
Inflammation of blood vessels may occur in response to:
  • medication.

  • allergic reactions.

  • infections.

  • toxic chemical exposure.

  • underlying diseases, such as autoimmune disorders. These are conditions in which a person's immune system attacks their own body.

  • inherited conditions.

  • smoking.

  • The primary risk of this condition is that blood flow may be reduced to body tissues. These tissues may then become damaged or destroyed. If the tissue or organ is important, such as the brain, eyes, heart, lungs, or other important organs, serious body damage and disability may result. Death can occur in severe forms of this condition.

    Symptoms & Signs

    What are the signs and symptoms of the condition?
    Most cases involve blood vessels in the skin, but just about any blood vessel in the body can be involved. Exact symptoms depend on the type of vasculitis present. This condition may cause:
  • tender red or purple bumps on the skin.

  • open sores on the skin.

  • depression.

  • fatigue.

  • high blood pressure.

  • damage to the body if blood flow stops in the inflamed blood vessels. For example, vasculitis may lead to a heart attack, loss of vision, kidney failure, lung damage, and other body damage.

  • Diagnosis & Tests

    How is the condition diagnosed?
    Clinical history and physical exam often make a healthcare provider suspect this condition. Special tests, such as blood and x-ray tests, and biopsy are often needed to diagnose and categorize the type of vasculitis. A biopsy is a procedure to take a small piece of tissue from an affected area of the body. The tissue can then be studied under a microscope and with other special tests if needed.

    Prevention & Expectations

    What can be done to prevent the condition?
    There is no known way to prevent most cases. Avoidance of smoking can prevent one rare form of this condition.
    What are the long-term effects of the condition?
    Most long-term problems are related to the areas of the body that are involved, such as the kidneys. Permanent damage can occur to important organs in some cases. Death may occur in severe cases.
    What are the risks to others?
    There are no risks to others, as this condition is not contagious.

    Treatment & Monitoring

    What are the treatments for the condition?
    The underlying problem that caused the vasculitis needs to be treated first if possible. For example, a medication may need to be stopped.
    Oral corticosteroids, such as prednisone, and other medications to suppress the immune system may be needed.
    Further treatment may be needed for specific areas of body damage, such as treatment for kidney failure.
    What are the side effects of the treatments?
    All medications have potential side effects. Side effects will vary depending on which drugs are used.
    What happens after treatment for the condition?
    Depending upon the cause of the vasculitis, it may completely clear or it may become a chronic problem needing long-term treatment.
    How is the condition monitored?
    Affected people are asked to monitor their symptoms. Repeat exams, blood tests, and x-ray tests may be needed. The medications used for treatment may also need to be monitored.


    Author:Lynn West, MD
    Date Written:
    Editor:Keefe, Sandy, RN, MSN
    Edit Date:05/13/00
    Reviewer:Adam Brochert, MD
    Date Reviewed:05/02/01