Overview, Causes, & Risk Factors
There are two types of tension headaches. Episodic tension headaches occur when the person experiences a stressful event. Chronic tension headaches are associated with contraction of the muscles in the head and neck.
poor posture
psychological disorders
social concerns
What is going on in the body?
Episodic tension headaches follow a stressful event. Chronic tension headaches are associated with contraction of the muscles that stretch from the back of the neck over the top of the head.What are the causes and risks of the condition?
Tension headaches are associated with muscle contractions, but there is no proof that the contractions cause the headache. The following are believed to contribute to tension headaches:Symptoms & Signs
What are the signs and symptoms of the condition?
Symptoms of tension headaches include tight, squeezing, gripping pain. The pain may be felt in the following areas:The pain often settles in the back of the neck, and is worse when the person moves. The person may have insomnia, or be sensitive to sounds and light.
Diagnosis & Tests
How is the condition diagnosed?
Diagnosis of a tension headache begins with a history and physical exam. The healthcare provider may order tests to rule out other causes of the headache. These may include a cranial CT scan or cranial MRI.Prevention & Expectations
What can be done to prevent the condition?
Stress management may prevent some cases of tension headache.What are the long-term effects of the condition?
Tension headaches may become relentless and daily. Treatment may require hospitalization.What are the risks to others?
Tension headaches are not contagious, and pose no risk to others.Treatment & Monitoring
What are the treatments for the condition?
Medications used to treat tension headaches include the following:However, the same medicines can cause tension headaches if they are taken too frequently. Narcotics should usually be avoided, but can be useful for occasional severe headaches. Physical therapy, including ice packs and massage, can help relieve pain.
What are the side effects of the treatments?
Medications used to treat tension headaches may cause stomach upset, drowsiness, rash, or allergic reactions.What happens after treatment for the condition?
A person with tension headaches may benefit from stress management techniques. Biofeedback and relaxation therapy can teach the individual to control the responses that lead to the headache. Counseling or anxiety \ \How is the condition monitored?
Any new or worsening symptoms should be reported to the healthcare provider.Attribution
Author:Tim Allen, MD
Date Written:
Editor:Crist, Gayle P., MS, BA
Edit Date:06/30/01
Reviewer:Eileen McLaughlin, RN, BSN
Date Reviewed:06/06/01
Date Written:
Editor:Crist, Gayle P., MS, BA
Edit Date:06/30/01
Reviewer:Eileen McLaughlin, RN, BSN
Date Reviewed:06/06/01
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